
Zobrazují se příspěvky z 2014

Set up Auto Logon in Windows using PowerShell

Hello Guys, Did you ever felt the need to set up Auto logon to Windows Server or Workstation? Sometimes it is needed. Especialy in Internet Coffee's, or similar places. There is an old way to setup it using Regedit. But there is also way to use PowerShell to accomplish it. Take a look on two simple functions. This function are easy to use in you scripts. I am using it for building testing environement. All You need to do, is to set up $PlainTextAccount and $PlainTextPassword variables.

Lync 2013 Clear Persistent Chat Room Content

Hello Guys! In Lync 2013 we have an option delete all or partial content of Persistent Chat Room! This can be easily done by powershell cmdlet Clear-CsPersistentChatRoom. Detail description of that cmdlet can be found here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj204976.aspx And now some examples: his example will remove all content before 1.1.2014 from PChatRoom: Clear-CsPersistentChatRoom -Identity "contoso.com\PChatRoom" -EndDate "1/1/2014" This example will remove all content before 1/1/2014 from all Persistech Chat Rooms: Get-CsPersistentChatRoom | Clear-CsPersistentChatRoom -EndDate "1/1/2014" -Confirm: $False This example will remove content older 180 days from all Persistech Chat Rooms: Get-CsPersistentChatRoom | Clear-CsPersistentChatRoom -EndDate ( [ DateTime ]:: today . AddDays( -180 )) -Confirm: $false

Lync 2013 Persistent Chat Service not starting

Today I had to installed Persistent Chat to our existing Lync 2013 Standart environement. Plan was use dedicated server for Persistent chat and second dedicated server for SQL Server 2012. Installation was simple as expected. After successfull installation Persistent Chat service could not start. Why? I checked Event Log and found two Events: Event ID 53553: The server is not compatible with the database at Data Source=SQL1.HELL.LOCAL;Initial Catalog=mgc;Integrated Security=SSPI Event ID 53503: Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Persistent Chat could not start due to the following exception:  at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Chat.Server.ServerCommon.Exceptions.StopServerException: Unexpected DB version. Problem was not in SQL server version. SQL server 2012 is supported and installation was successfull. Setup process also created necessary databases. Solution was install Lync updates using LyncServerUpdateInstaller.exe utility. Update utility can be downloaded from  http:/

Office 365 DirSync Synchronization Schedule

Default settings for DirSync synchronization frequency is three hours. This interval define, how often are changes made in your on-premise environement replicated to Office 365. In case you have an organization, that have smaller amount of users, you can change the frequency of the synchronization to replicate changes to Office 365. Logon to DirSync server. Open Notepad as Administrator From Notepad open file “ C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Active Directory Sync\Microsoft.Online,DirSync.Scheduler.exe.config “ Change the SyncTimeInterval Value to reduce the sync schedule. For example to reduce the time to every 15 minutes use following values: <add key=”SyncTimeInterval” value=”0:15:0″ /> Save file and close notepad Restart service Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Service Thats all.

Technical diagrams for Lync Server 2013

These diagrams provide visual representations of recommended solutions for Lync 2013. Posters provides architectural guidance for planning and deployment. The posters contains information about common components of Lync Server, terminology used when planning a deployment, new features, server roles, and an installation overview. Posters also helps to understand the capabilities and requirements of Lync 2013, Lync Phone, Lync Web App, Lync for Mac, and Lync Mobile. Download: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn594589.aspx


As a Sysadmin I have to running scripts repeatedly. Sometimes I am using powershell snapins like ActiveRoles Management Shell or Exchange Management shell. And then annoying message will appear Try to use code bellow in your scripts. You will never see error message again :)


Hi guys, it is easy write Powershell script to create users based on the settings in CSV file. Much more difficult is naming convention for logon names. Few month ago I found pretty little function to remove diacritics from string. It is really easy to use this function: $newString = Remove-Diacritics ( "ěščřžžřýí" ) or Write-host ( Remove-Diacritics ( "ěščřžřžý" ))

Delete files and folders

The most of us had to delete files or folders in our scripts. This is truly simple task with powershell. There is cmdlet Remove-Item to delete files and folders. Example for delete file in PowerShell. remove-item c:\Temp\text.txt -force Switch -Force is used to delete protected files. But what will happend if file doesn’t exist? You’ll get an error message. This is the reason to do check if file exist first. To accomplish this, we will use test-path cmdlet. $strFileName = "c:\temp\test.txt" If ( Test-Path $strFileName ) { Remove-Item $strFileName -Force } The similar code can be used for folders. But there is little difference in folders. There can be additional content in folder, you want to remove. So you should use switches -recurse -force. $strFolderName = "c:\temp" If ( Test-Path $strFolderName ) { Remove-Item $strFolderName -recurse -force } This code will remove, folder with all content! So be careful!